Did it her way in 2005

Start spreading the news. Frank Slug-snotra is the 2005 Slug Queen. She said she wanted to be a part of it (“Eu-geeeeene! Slug Queeeen!”), and now she is. “I am thrilled and honored,” crooned Slug-snotra.

Wearing a tidy suit, Slug-snotra brought her own brand of glamour, veering away from past slug queens who traditionally have favored tiaras and taffeta, sequins and sparkles, bows, bells, big dresses and wigs. She had the wig, but the rest reflected the masculine stylings of Mr. Frank Sinatra.

Slug-snotra sang two Sinatra tunes with lyrics tailored for the crowd of more than 200. She belted out to the tune of “New York, New York.”:

I want to wake up in the city that never dries
To find I'm top of the butte
A queen with a surprise

Slug-snotra, whose real name is Shandi Sinnamon, didn’t engage in any obvious bribing, despite her likeness’s status as the Mafia’s favorite crooner. She needed only her Ol’ Blue Eyes charm, a makeup mustache and some clever lyrics. Her singing voice didn’t hurt, either. Sinnamon played Patsy Cline in Willamette Repertory Theatre’s recent version of “Always” and had a role in its musical, “Chaps.” She is a talented singer and performer, outside of her royal persona, who recently cut a folk rock genre CD written about her experiences since moving to Eugene. This is a dark and intensely melodic work full of the rich tapestry of images that the underbelly of Eugene has to offer.