Dancing Queen


She danced her way to royalty, fame and fortune bringing a large entourage as good luck charms. Queen Slugasana took the stage confident that she had bribed the judges well. Even the unlucky competition date of Friday the 13th didn’t deter Slugasana. She had a few surprises up her sleeves and down her tail. This is a slug who knows how to DANCE!

Behind every SLUG Queen there is a tail… and a tale. Here is Queen Slugasana’s:

Once upon a time a myopic flamingo delivered a baby girl to the wrong doorstep. That dewy day a family of slugs, royalty in fact, were dining away.

Wise and patient, they adopted me knowing one day I would fulfill my destiny to be SLUG Queen. Bringing loving kindness to humans from gastropods and the wisdom of OOZE from gastropods to humans. I learned lessons from The Tao of Ooze: 

Be Slug Now, Be Slug Later.

From the Clog Hiker’s Guide to the Garden:

  • A low sodium diet, no beer (only Champagne), and avoidance of all things marked “pest” affords a long life.
  • Stay low and go slow.
  • Slugs and snails are the original Slow Foodians. So eat organic (you’ll live longer), and eat local (slugs don’t like carbon footprints).

One day I fell in love with a snail. My adopted parents were not pleased (cue theme from Romeo and Juliet). But who wouldn’t love a man with a house on his back! Meet Monsieur S.U.V.Cargot! And now my royal family and I will perform feats of undulation and raucousness!


The mission of the SLUG Queens is to support community Art, Culture, and charitable organizations. Queen Slugasana has selected “SLOW FOOD EUGENE” as her primary focus local non profit. Eat Local, eat SLOW!
